Frequently Asked Questions
Click on your question below to find the answer.
Do I need to supervise my dog with the antlers?
​Do you sell wholesale?
Yes, we sell to wholesale customers. Please email us at cstantlers@yahoo.com or call 262.903.6488 for more information.
Does it hurt the elk to get the antlers?
No, elk are not harmed for their antlers. Their antlers naturally fall off every spring and begin growing back within days.
What do you recommend for dogs that are aggressive chewers?
We recommend choosing an antler labeled "whole." The dogs chew the antlers for the marrow inside. A "whole" antler bone will be more of a challenge for your dog to get to the marrow and will last longer than a "split" antler.
Antlers are naturally found in the environment and are not chemically treated in anyway. Most dogs like antlers. They chew to get to the marrow inside. They hold the antler between their paws and chew on one end. They last longer than a rawhide or a stick found in the yard. Some people have said they last a few weeks others say that their dog still chews on the same antler after a year! Dogs (and their owners) love elk antlers!
Consider starting with a “split” antler because more marrow is exposed. Dogs are after the marrow when they chew. It is softer than the outer bone walls and has the flavor they are looking for. The split antler will be a rewarding introduction. We also recommend “split” antlers for puppies and older dogs with weaker teeth. They will eventually hollow the marrow out and shorten the length. Discard antlers before they become small enough to be a choking hazard and replace with a new one. Elk antler contains glucosamine, calcium, magnesium and other essential elements.
NEVER choose a small antler just to try it out. This may become a choking hazard. Always choose the antler in proportion to your dog’s size. They should be able to hold it in their paws and chew on one end.
What is the difference between light and dark antlers?
The color of the antler comes from the elk rubbing their antlers on different colored materials: trees, dirt, brush, other antlers etc.
What size antler should I choose?
Should my antler change colors when my dog chews it?
Do you rent the lure course out for private parties?
Yes! Please fill out our contact form to see if your dates are available.
Do you offer coupon codes or discounts?
Not usually. If we do, they will go to our email subscribers or social media followers. Sign up for our email list here, follow CST Antlers on Instagram or like us Facebook. If you run a non-profit, please email holly@cstantlers.com for a fundraising opportunity.